
Heal the root causes of stress and anxiety

A fresh start

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

I am not one to brag about exhaustion.

I don’t wear busyness as a badge of honor (as so many are wont do in our society).

If you ever hear me lament that I’ve had too much to do and too little rest, it’s because some deeper part of my psyche hopes that the act of voicing my overwhelm will somehow relieve it.

This was often the case over the past month.

With 2 small children, my life is already full to the brim with activity under even the most mundane circumstances.

Add in a marathon Thanksgiving (3 days of cooking and feasting in a row), holiday cards, St. Nicholas Day, decorations, advent calendars, homemade gifts, a new routine with my husband’s new job (for which he has to wake at 4:15 a.m.), plus all the Christmas celebrations, and there’s been no wiggle room left to relax at all.

I’m endlessly grateful that the extent of my personal stress is limited to the question of how to fit too many delightful things into a limited space of time.

Still, I'm looking forward to a more peaceful January.

And I use the word "peaceful" intentionally here.

I don’t need to recount the horrors of the world for you. They are loud enough as is.

What I do want to do is invite you to join me in cultivating more peace in the only place we have any power to do so: within ourselves.


By setting the intention to meet each moment with love.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” -MLK

This is what mindfulness (a.k.a. present awareness) is about.

It is the practice of moving your focus behind the chatter of your mind and conditioning of your body—beyond all of the judgements, all of the fears, all of the memories, desires, and projections—so you can fully embrace the moment that you’re in, no matter how you may feel or what chaos is going on around you.

This is how you cultivate inner peace, and it is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself and the world at large.

If you would like to join me, I’m offering a discount on my 14-day embodied mindfulness course, The Practice, to ring in the new year. Just use the code “PEACE” at checkout for 20% off.

Over the course of 2 weeks you’ll receive:

9 Informative and inspiring emails that translate modern neuroscientific research and ancient esoteric theory into simple language so you can easily apply it to your life

Audio recordings of every email transcript so you can listen on the go, whenever you want

5 Guided mindfulness practices, so you can start reaping the benefits right away

Click here to sign up by January 3 to claim your discount and bring more peace into the new year.

I can’t wait to see where this takes you.



Heal the root causes of stress and anxiety

Katerina Baratta, MS, LAc

✨Mind✨Body✨Spirit✨Medicine✨ Join more than 800+ subscribers who have already signed up for the newsletter, and get holistic mental health and wellness strategy and inspiration in your inbox every week. ✨ ✨✨ Check out the links to download your (FREE) copy of the Bliss Kit and learn 4 life-changing strategies to help you cultivate more ease, joy, and inner peace. I can't wait to see where it takes you!

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