
Heal the root causes of stress and anxiety


Published 10 months ago • 2 min read

Do you ever wish you could time-travel, Reader?

Whenever you experience anxiety that's exactly what you're doing.

Because when you encounter a stressful situation that you can't escape, don't have the opportunity to process afterwards, or find yourself in repeatedly, the memory of that stress gets stored in your nervous system as a pattern. This stress-pattern is then reactivated whenever you find yourself in a similar situation moving forward, and it clouds your ability to see —and respond to— the present moment clearly.

Now you're time-traveling.

Your mind gets stuck imagining an unpredictable future, while your nervous system is reliving the stress you experienced in the past.

So in order to heal anxiety and meet life open-heartedly, with the joy and eagerness you want, you have to change the patterns in your nervous system. You have to learn how to feel safe in the moment you're in.

How can you retrain your nervous system?

Retraining your nervous system is a multi-layer process.

For most people, both in the mind and the body have to be involved in order to notice real, lasting change. And this is why talk therapy alone so often falls short of helping people feel better. Understanding why you feel the way you do intellectually is not the same thing as changing the way you feel viscerally.

To change the feelings, you also have go to the place the feelings are stored: within the body.

It takes time and consistent practice, but with practice, healing is possible.

Something as simple as 20 minutes of qigong for 3 weeks can create a big shift inside you.

But that's just a start, Reader.

Healing is like peeling away the layers of an onion, and different strategies work for different people at different times. So if you really want to heal the root causes of stress and anxiety, you're going to need a more extensive toolbox to support you as you do your inner-work.

My online course, Healing Through Anxiety, is designed to guide you, step-by-step, to rewire your nervous system for less stress and anxiety. And enrollment is closing TONIGHT at 9 p.m. PST.

I'm making some (phenomenal) upgrades to the program, and the next time the doors open the price will go up significantly to accommodate these changes.

This is great news for you, because anyone who enrolls has lifetime access to all the material, —including any improvements,— as long as the program is active.

If you sign up today, you get to take advantage of three perks:

  1. You will get to enjoy the upgraded program at no extra cost.
  2. You can start using the life-changing practices that are taught in Healing Through Anxiety right away, and feel more ease, joy, and inner peace —sooner— as a result.
  3. You get a discounted rate on 1-on-1 sessions with me for extra support until the end of 2023.

Still on the fence? Here's what Sarah G. had to say:

“Before working with Katerina I felt imbalanced, like I was always looking for something more. There was never enough time in my day between work, children, and career.
Through her holistic approach, Katerina has helped me to slow down and be more tune with my body and what it needs -and helped me finally honor those needs!- creating space in my life for big changes in both body and mind.”

Click here to learn more and enroll now before the doors close on this price tonight.

I can't wait to see where it takes you.



Heal the root causes of stress and anxiety

Katerina Baratta, MS, LAc

✨Mind✨Body✨Spirit✨Medicine✨ Join more than 800+ subscribers who have already signed up for the newsletter, and get holistic mental health and wellness strategy and inspiration in your inbox every week. ✨ ✨✨ Check out the links to download your (FREE) copy of the Bliss Kit and learn 4 life-changing strategies to help you cultivate more ease, joy, and inner peace. I can't wait to see where it takes you!

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